First there was Martha. Then Tory. Gwyneth. And, now Aerin. Lifestyle mavens that seem to have it all…and product lines to match. And, many of us, myself included, want a piece of their fairy dust.
With the release of Aerin’s new book,
Beauty at Home, I found myself flipping through the pages, learning about her life and lifestyle. And, though she does seem to lead a glamorous life, I have to respect her work ethic and the fact that she didn’t simply carry the mantle that could have been given to her. Much like her grandmother, Estee Lauder, she has blazed a new path and created a very appealing brand. Beauty, shoes, fragrance, candles, jewelry and home decor.
She has 2 sons. I have 2 sons. One son likes red….the other blue. Hmmmm, mine too. Monogrammed linens in their rooms? Check. Their hand painted pottery used as breakfast bowls? Check. Kidrobot is a favorite collectible? Check.
She has a dark, cozy room in her home. So do I. Hmmmm.
I love that she shares “never before” seen aspects of her homes in New York and the Hamptons. And, I really, really do love her approach to family, friends and creating a home based upon heritage and updated style.
“Beauty is my heritage. Home is my passion.” – Aerin Lauder
Her life has seemed very private, but I for one am really happy that she has pulled the curtain back, at least a little. It’s always fun to see how the other half lives.
This book is beautiful and has happily been added to my collection. And, I would definitely recommend it for you or to give as a gift.
Here’s to living well…each and every day!

images: Simon Upton