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Hot Cocoa Crush

A simple thing, when elevated to its highest form, can be sheer bliss. That’s how I felt recently about a particular cup of cocoa at The Blantyre. My husband and I spent a couple of days there to celebrate an anniversary. Yet, one of the most enjoyable evenings was spent playing checkers, enjoying an amazing cup of cocoa, served exactly as you see it above.  Calorie free? Not exactly.

As we near the holidays and time together as family for many….may I suggest an evening of cocoa, elevated to it’s highest form? This is a time for the real stuff. No sugar free versions that come in little packets. Stir real chocolate into real milk on the stove. Marshmallows and whip cream are up to you, but I did find that banana bread made a perfect accompaniment!

Here’s a link to the Blantyre’s hot chocolate menu, to give you some ideas.

Don’t forget the presentation….as with anything, that’s how you make it special.

Now, I’ll drink to that? Won’t you join me?

images: The Blantyre, pinterest