Elizabeth Moyer

PPT x Bespoke Designs Stationery

A beautiful stationery collaboration between Pretty Pink Tulips and Bespoke Designs

  • Cheers to a Great Year

    Cheers to a Great Year

    After a week of traveling to two different places to visit family, we made it home early on Christmas Eve. It was a wonderful way to really… More

  • Merry Christmas to All

    Merry Christmas to All

    The week before Christmas is a busy one. Last minute shopping, wrapping, mailing, parties and fun. I’m going to take this week to do a little bit… More

  • Christmas Through the Years

    Christmas Through the Years

    Things change. Styles change. Preferences change. We change. And, so it seems does my house at the holidays, throughout the years. I was surprised to see the… More

  • Happy Thanksgiving!

    Happy Thanksgiving!

    I’m not quite finished setting my Thanksgiving table, though I have a bit of a direction….it involves magnolia! I’ll share how it turns out on Instagram, but… More

  • The Blue Garden – Newport, Rhode Island

    The Blue Garden – Newport, Rhode Island

    I’ve just returned from a few days, my first ever, in Newport, Rhode Island. In addition to the ocean, the mansions, the shopping, harbor and wonderful dining… More

  • Italian Pottery & Murano Glass

    Italian Pottery & Murano Glass

    I was haunted by the Italian pottery I didn’t buy when I was in Rome a few years back. So, this summer, I was intent on finding… More

  • Summer Dinner Party

    Summer Dinner Party

    Summer entertaining should be easy and breezy, not overly stressful. Yet, that doesn’t mean it can’t be a little dressed up. Since setting the table happens before… More

  • Heavenly Hydrangeas

    Heavenly Hydrangeas

    Ask anyone who has hydrangeas. This year has been AMAZING! Last year, not so much. Like anything that isn’t a sure thing, when it happens it is… More

  • Italy Part 4: Positano

    Italy Part 4: Positano

    As I’m sitting down to write this post, it occurs to me that this is less a post about Positano than a love letter to Le Sirenuse…. More