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On A Lighter Note

Many of you have mentioned to me that my first post of the year on LIGHT, my one word resolution, has resonated with you somehow. I can’t begin to tell you how much I appreciate your feedback, because I felt like you might think it was a little “out there”. 

Since we’re nearing the end of the first month of 2014, I wanted to check in with everyone and see how YOU were doing with your own resolutions. How’s it going? 

I can honestly say that I have found myself falling down here and there. For example, not being as “light hearted” as I hope to be. But, all I have to do is remind myself that LIGHT is my focus and it instantly redirects me. I think that is the power of the one word resolution. It’s almost like a mantra. A way to stay focused and re-engage when I’m veering off in the wrong direction. Just like when you’re on your yoga mat and find your mind wandering. 

One area that is currently the hardest for me is “Feeling Lighter – Making better food choices”. Ugh. Why is this so hard for me?

So, keeping things on a lighter note today, I’m sharing how I’m going to tackle this. I’m going to focus less on the food and focus on drinking more water. That’s it. Simple. Basic. Healthy. 

And, since I’m all about keeping things pretty….here’s how I’m going to dress it up. Fruit. Mint. Pretty straws.

Most importantly, I’m going to lighten up and not be so hard on myself. How about you?
