Frozen Friday Fun
Hot where you are? Need to cool off? One of the easiest and cheeriest ways to do that is to make a batch of home made Popsicles…. More
Wide Open Spaces
When you think of Kansas do you immediately think of The Wizard of Oz? Wheatfields? Here’s a view you may not have seen….our wide open spaces! We’re… More
Simple Summer Pleasures
Our visit to Kansas is just humming along. We’ve spent lots of time outdoors, which led to some beautiful moments by Mother Nature yesterday. There is something… More
Father’s Day BBQ
I’ve spent most of my life living in or visiting the BBQ capitols of the US. Texas, North Carolina and Kansas. Funny enough, I could take it… More
For Love of the Game
Tennis is a game where Love just isn’t enough! I finally worked up the nerve to join a tennis team and play my first match. Well, 3… More
Tuesday Tulips – my house
They came early this year. The tulips, that is. A different variety than the Menton I normally have planted each November. But, for one glorious week, everything… More
Cinco de Mayo – Ole’
Love these super simple Cinco de Mayo desserts I found at Bakers Royale. Corona Beer Pops and Strawberry Margarita Pops. They are as simple as popping open… More
Derby Day Decor
I’m still recovering from the excitement of last weekend’s big event, yet we’ve entered a new month and one of the biggest events of May happens this… More
Celebrating in Style – With Eddie Ross
You know how some days everything clicks….like there’s magic in the air. This was one of those days. There was the signature “wow” table – this time… More