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Hospitality at Hawthorne

IMG_8912Some people are really, really good at hospitality. I don’t think it’s something you are “born with”, but can be learned, honed and perfected. Great hospitality does take care and preparation. And, lucky for me, my generous and talented friend, Ted Kennedy Watson, is a master. Earlier this month, I made an inaugural visit to see him at his East Coast home in the Hudson Valley.

Off a country road, you can’t miss his house….the one with the bright, green door! And, once you are inside, all your senses are tickled. The music (low), the glassybabies and other candles lit, everything in its place; Hawthorne is warm and inviting yet beautifully put together. At every turn there is something to admire, examine and appreciate.

In fact, he’s such a renown tastemaker and host that Pottery Barn invited him to share his entertaining skills on their blog this week. Check out how he put things together here and try his recipe for super lemony orzo pasta with feta (a recipe I’ve made and that you’ll also find in his book, Style and Simplicity)!
IMG_8905The bar is set up in the kitchen. Ted’s husband, Mr. Sive, went with the martini. Ted and I broke open a bottle of Veuve…a shared favorite. We retired to the back room (not pictured) with gourmet nibbles and Bailey, Ted’s precious pup, and caught up on topics both serious and light!IMG_8903 IMG_8898 IMG_8899 IMG_8904 IMG_8909 IMG_8908My mom and Ted are the only people I know who serve breakfast with such panache! Don’t you just love that goat creamer? You can find it and other little “creature creamers” at Ted’s shop, Watson Kennedy.IMG_8911 IMG_8906 IMG_8912And, then early the next morning it was time to head out for neighboring, Sharon, CT, where we attended Trade Secrets. Hawthorne, I look forward to seeing you, Ted, Ted Sive and Bailey again soon! Thanks for the amazing hospitality!
