This is a story of a beginning, an ending and another beginning.
The story began in the Spring of 2009. My house, above, was on the Rye House Tour — and this photograph, taken by Eddie Ross, appeared the next week on his blog. That was my introduction to the world of blogging. Over the next year, I loved reading blogs and thought it would be fun to have one of my own. I decided to name it Pretty Pink Tulips because they were a recognizable aspect of my home and something I thoroughly looked forward to each year.

In the beginning, I honestly didn’t even post much about the tulips. For the first 2 years, I didn’t post anything about the tulips. I find that rather amusing. I wrote about fashion, travel, entertaining and gift giving. But, it was the tulips that really defined me and seemed to be what people remembered.
Over the years, my house has changed a bit. We added on. The split rail fence came down. We added shutters and changed the door color to a glossy black. The back garden changed, too. We added an arbor gate, a fountain and more plantings. But, this took place over a decade. A little change here. A bigger change there. It evolved. But, every year, without fail…the tulips came up!
Here is a look back over a decade of tulips…including last year when they came up RED! The tulips even had their moment in the May issue of Better Homes and Gardens last year – an absolute thrill for me. And, here is my home today…10 years later. It’s basically the same. Even those andirondack chairs are still there! Thank you for letting me share my home and garden with you for nearly a decade, along with my musings about living, giving and entertaining with style and grace. It has been an absolute pleasure and I’m so happy that we’ve had this time together. Now, I’m going to focus on my teenage sons and look for that next great creative experience.I’ll continue to share what’s blooming on Instagram and look forward to staying connected. Wishing you lots of sunshine and days in the garden!